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Founded in Yorkshire, Rated Excellent on Trustpilot:
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Flexible plans built for travel

Keep in touch without the hassle. We guarantee a seamless, flexible service across the UK and Europe

Plans from £7.95 Get Started

The UK and Europe’s fastest network

Don’t compromise. Enjoy fast, flexible plans designed for travel

Flexible plans

Our plans are as flexible as your travel schedule. Switch, pause, or upgrade whenever needed, so you’re only paying for what you use.

No data caps

Stay connected without limits. Our no-cap data policy lets you add top- ups as needed, so you’re always in control of your data usage.

Pop-on & off

Travel flexibility at its best. Pause your plan for only £1 whenever you want, with no hidden fees. Just easy, affordable control, any-time.

Need help?

+(44) 3333 444353

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Insert your Popit SIM into your device. Select activate from the menu above. Input the last 10 numbers from your Sim card or eSim and press activate. You’ll receive an Text with confirmation of activation and your ready to go!

Yes, you can keep your number! Request a PAC (Porting Authorisation Code) from your current provider by Texting PAC to 65075. Login to My Popit, Select My Sims and Packages. Select your Popit Number. Click Show/Change. Select Move your Number to Popit. Input your PAC Code and your number in +44 format you wish to bring to Popit. Click Send PAC Port in. We’ll handle the rest.

Adding more data is simple! Log into your My Popit on our website or app, select My Sims, select Show/Change against the number you wish to add data. Scroll down to the bottom and select one of the Data Bolt ons. Its that easy!

Once your SIM is active, you’ll receive a confirmation Text, and your device will connect to our network. If you experience issues, restart your phone to refresh the connection.

Our plans are flexible and run on a 30-day rolling basis. Payments are made monthly, and you can cancel, pause, or adjust your plan whenever needed.